Archived events, training and webinars
See below a list of our events and training opportunities which have taken place in the past. On many
of these events you will find links to videos or slides so you can catch up on what you missed.
Tuesday 27 November and Wednesday 28 November 2018
The Wellcome Collection, Euston Square
Through keynote lectures, presentations and discussions delegates will explore how different datasets, and the way in which they are being used, are advancing research and policy decisions, agriculture, and GIS.
Tuesday 10 April and Wednesday 11 April 2018
The Lecture Theatre (The Forum), Southend Campus
We are delighted that a number of our researchers will be taking part in The Journal of World Business a paper development workshop.
Friday 27 April, 11am - 12pm
In this webinar Dr Aline Villavicencio from the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering at University of Essex, introduces natural language processing (NLP) and explores her recent work on cognitively motivated NLP.
Monday 23 April, 10am - 4:30pm
This course will introduce you to Python as a programming language and how it can be effectively used when processing big data.
Thursday 15 March, 11am - 12pm
In this webinar Professor Ruth Hancock will be analysing the market for care homes for older people using Care Quality Commission and other data.
Wednesday 21 February, 12pm - 1pm
In this seminar, Richard Skeggs will be discussing mining data from online sources.
Thursday 10 May, 12pm - 1pm
In this webinar Mingchen Sun will present his recent research on bank lending conditions.
Tuesday 27 May, 1pm - 2pm
In this webinar Richard Skeggs will give an overview of what Apache Mahout is and the functions that are available.
Thursday 8 February, 11am - 3.30pm
In this seminar, Professor Elena Kulinskaya will be discussing her research on cumulative sum control chart -type methods aimed at catching deviating performance.
Wednesday 31 January, 11am - 12pm
In this webinar Professor Ali Rana Atilgan from the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences at Sabanci University, explores his recent research on network models.
Tuesday 30 January, 12pm - 1pm
In this webinar Andrew Lovett will be discussing the results from his recent research. He will also discuss what is meant by green infrastructure and how many local authorities are looking into ways their own green infrastructure data can be analysed in order to improve provisions and services.
6 December 2017
Centrum Building, Norwich Research Park
Our researchers at University of East Anglia are proud to be hosting the next regional LARIA meeting for the East of England. This collaborative event will explore the benefits of local government working in partnership with researchers to assess their services and to deliver improvements.
8 November 2017 2017
TPSC 2.01, Univeristy of East Anglia
This seminar will focus on the methods and findings of this collaborative project involving researchers from the CRCF and the ESRC Business and Local Government Data Research Centre.
8 November - 6 December 2017
University of East Anglia
This autumn we have a seminar series bringing together academics and practitioners from a number of different disciplines within and beyond UEA.
22 November 2017 2017
EFB 1.02, Univeristy of East Anglia
This seminar will report on the findings of an in-depth online survey of 319 adoptive parents which explored children's backgrounds before adoption and their current progress and support needs in their adoptive families.
6 December 2017
EFB 1.01, Univeristy of East Anglia
The seminar presents mothers’ and midwives’ experience of babies being removed at birth and considers the way in which a narrative understanding can offer valuable insight into a topic that has previously received minimal research attention, providing evidence to guide and inform midwifery and wider safeguarding practice.
Friday 17 November 2017
Venue: QEII Centre, Broad Sanctuary London
This Conference brings together insights from government, policy makers, business, and academia on the latest research in the innovative use of data science, especially within the areas of finance, economic policy, agriculture, and GIS.
9 November 2017
Venue: University of Essex, Colchester Campus
As part of this year's ESRC Festival of Social Science, we are partnering with the Catalyst Project to bring you an event on how to improve your business by learning how to evaluate it!
Tuesday 7 November
Darwin Conference Suite, University of Kent
Extensive work is being carried out by researchers, local authorities, and private sector organisations to make better use of data to improve our day to day lives.
26-28 October 2017
Venue: London, UK
Our Senior Data Development Manager, Richard Skeggs will be presenting his paper at the The Sixteenth International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA 2017)
Thursday 28 Semptemper - Tuesday 7 November
University of Kent
This autumn the Business and Local Government Data Research Centre (BLG) are running a free lecture series at the University of Kent.
Thursday 19 October
Dockyard Church, University of Kent
Big Data is mapping the road to future business success through improved marketing, risk forecasting, smoother and more streamlined processes and procedures; and increased product offerings.
Thursday 28 September
Darwin Conference Suite, University of Kent
Big Data is playing a large part in the areas of green infrastructure; agriculture; waste management; renewable energy; amongst other topics, and much work is being done in these areas.
ARCHIVED | Event | 1st International Conference on the Frontiers and Advances in Data Science (FADS)
23-25 October 2017
Venue: Xian, China
We are delighted that Professor Maria Fasli will chair the this Frontiers and Advances in Data Science (FADS) event. The call for papers is open now.
10-14 July 2017
University of Essex, Colchester Campus
This summer, we are offering a week’s worth of training on effective data analytics tools and techniques, which can help organisations to tap into their data to make a real difference to their products and services, or to their internal processes.
Friday 7 and Saturday 8 July 2017
Venue: Essex Business School, Colchester Campus
We are delighted that some of our researchers are participating in this year's EFiC Conference in Banking and Finance being held at the Essex Business School.
5 May 2017
S2.15 (D’Arcy Thompson Room), University of East Anglia
School of Mathematics at UEA and the ESRC funded Business and Local Government Data Research Centre are delighted to introduce a new cross-faculty seminar series.
25 May 2017, 2pm to 3pm
In this webinar Professor Jerry Coakley, Professor at the Essex Business School and Deputy Director of the Business and Local Government Data Research Centre, will analyse the alternative finance phenomenon and argue that it marks the beginning of a revolution in the financing of small businesses in the UK.
19 May 2017, 1.30pm to 2.30pm
In this webinar Dr. Kamaran Fathulla, Senior Lecturer at the University of Chichester Business School, will demonstrate the power and versatility of the Python programming language to access, manipulate, and visualise Twitter data.
7 June 2017
Venue: University of Essex
The ESRC-funded Business and Local Government (BLG) Data Research Centre is organising a breakfast event to spread awareness of exciting new funding sources at a time when many successful SMEs are struggling to raise funds from traditional sources.
Autumn 2016
Essex Business School
BLGDRC, ADRN & HRBDT hosted a series of public talks throughout October and November 2016 to discuss the implications of big data and what it means for you and society.
18 May 2017, 2pm to 3pm
In this webinar, Lisanne will discuss the research in detail, explaining the reasons for carrying out the study, how the research was conducted, as well as the findings and how these can be applied in “real-life” scenarios.
26 May 2017
Venue: University of Essex
In this seminar, Dr Kamaran Fathulla, Senior Lecturer in Software Development at the University of Chichester Business School, will discuss various data visualisation techniques for big data processing, including using Python programming and its Panda data structure to access Twitter data.
24 July - 4 August 2017
Venue: University of Essex
We are delighted that some of our researchers are participating in this year's Institute for Analytics and Data Science big data summer school at the University of Essex.
22 June - 23 June 2017
Venue: The Forum, Southend Campus
This summer, the Business and Local Government Data Research Centre offers Essex Business School MSc students the opportunity to take part in a data dive competition.
14 March 2017
Essex Business School
This EBS Impact Academy interactive workshop poses using social media and the press as a way of demonstrating Research Impact within the Social Sciences.
3 March 2017
ARTS 2.01, University of East Anglia
School of Mathematics at UEA and the ESRC funded Business and Local Government Data Research Centre are delighted to introduce a new cross-faculty seminar series.
14 March 2017
Venue: Colchester Campus, University of Essex
The ESRC Business and Local Government Data Research Centre in conjunction with SASNet invites you to participate in a free training seminar on Mortality Estimation and Forecasting With Smoothing and Overdispersion.
9 March 2017, 2pm to 3pm
In this webinar Dr Beatriz De La Iglesia will provide attendees with an introductory understanding of data mining techniques, the process of knowledge discovery in databases and how business can benefit from such techniques.
22 February 2017, 2pm to 3pm
In this webinar, Richard Skeggs will provide attendees with an intermediary understanding of SQL (Structured Query Language), and will provide an understanding of how this can be used in “real-life” scenarios.
24 January 2017
Venue: Sir Alwyn Williams Building, Glasgow, G12 8QN
The Urban Big Data Centre in conjunction with SASNet invites you to participate in a free training seminar on Complex Networks Approaches to Supply Chain Management.
24 January 2017, 2pm to 3pm
In this webinar Fola Malomo will discuss the differences in economic trends between coastal areas that have performed well and coastal areas that have been less successful.
Venue: University of Essex
The course delivered in January will consist of three separate training sessions. Attendees are able to attend all three sessions or choose the session which they feel is most relevant to their needs.
9 December 2016, 1pm to 2pm
In this webinar, Professor Andrew Lovett will discuss developments in open source GIS, in particular reviewing data and software sources.
2 December 2016, 1pm to 2pm
This webinar aims to provide attendees with an introductory understanding of networks’ dynamics.
17 November 2016
Venue: University of Essex
This event will be delivered as part of the SASNet project, and will explore urban Big Data, and their use in Urban Informatics, along with the challenges that arise.
29 November 2016
Venue: University of Kent
In conjunction with SASNet, we invite you to participate in a free training seminar on using administrative and other datasets to inform policy regarding social care in England.
7 November 2016, 2pm to 3pm
In this webinar, Dr Guven Demirel will provide a brief introduction to complex networks approaches that provide insights on the relationships between the supply network structure and the response to disturbances and disruptions.
14 October 2016
SCI 1.20 (Maths Common room), University of Essex, Colchester Campus.
School of Mathematics at UEA and the ESRC funded Business and Local Government Data Research Centre are delighted to introduce a new cross-faculty seminar series.
18 October 2016
Venue: G6 Essex House, 200 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, Colchester
Are you an Essex County Council employee? Come along to this Art of the Possible Festival session with your ideas for High Street improvements and see how you can get involved, and make a difference to your town.
10 November 2016
University of Essex Colchester Campus
The third of five seminars exploring the impact of big data on today's society will focus on 'Changing lives through research'.
28 November 2016
University of Essex Colchester Campus
The final seminar in this series will discuss 'Big Data and Society: Is it a game changer?'.
17 November 2016
University of Essex Colchester Campus
The third of five seminars exploring the impact of big data on today's society will focus on 'Big Data, Big Brother?'.
20 October 2016
University of Essex Colchester Campus
The second of five seminars exploring the effect of big data on today's society will focus on 'Big Data in Business: help or hindrance?'.
13 October 2016
University of Essex Colchester Campus
The first of five seminars exploring the effect of big data on today's society will look at 'Charities, humanitarian action and Big Data: friend or foe?'.
20 September 2016
Venue: Sir Alwyn Williams Building - Level 5
The Urban Big Data Centre in conjunction with SASNet invites you to participate in a free training training workshop on understanding and using open geospatial data standards.
30 August - Friday 2 September 2016
Royal Geographical Society, London
The Business and Local Government Data Research Centre will be exhibiting as part of this conference alongside the Consumer Data Research Centre, the Urban Big Data Centre and the UK Data Service.
13 - 15 September 2017
Milano-Bicocca University
One of our researchers, Berthold Lausen, has been asked to join the Scientific Program Committe for the eleventh biennial international meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group (CLADAG).
21-24 June 2016
Berlin, Germany
Dr Fola Malomo, Research Fellow for the Business and Local Government Data Research Centre will be presenting on the role of data research centres in the big data movement at the International Conference on Knowledge, Innovation and Enterprise.
22 June 2016
Venue: Hilton Glasgow Grosvenor
The Urban Big Data Centre in conjunction with SASNet invites you to participate in a free training seminar on Discrete Choice Modelling & Cause-Effect Case Studies.
5 - 7 July 2016
University of Bath
In the seventh ESRC Research Methods Festival, Administrative Data Research Part 2 will cover more examples of administrative data research, again with the focus on how the methodological challenges were overcome. Join Professor Vania Sena as she discusses whether data-driven policy-making is a reality or mirage.
21 June 2016
Sheffield University Management School
In the third of this series of seminars, which aims to critically explore the possibilities of big data in assessing health and well-being risks within organisations and for advancing knowledge on health and well-being prediction. Join Professor Vania Sena as she discusses big data in the context of research on wages and related gender gaps.
5 - 16 September 2016
Venue: University of Essex
We are delighted that a number of our researchers and staff are participating in this year's Institute for Analytics and Data Science big data summer school at the University of Essex.
23 June, 11.30am to 3.00pm
We are now taking reservations for our Autumn session. This masterclass will build on the case studies used in the earlier webinar and focus on the practical skills to teach delegates how they can access and use online data to gain insight into human behaviour.
23 June 2016
Join Suzy Moat for this webinar when she will explore how online data can be used to analyse human behaviour.
Venue: University of Essex
This one week training course, which is repeated over a two week period seeks to improve the data skills of analysts in the public sector. Focussing on five key areas, each subject compliments the other areas to give a rounded knowledge of using data analytics for the public sector.
12 May 2016, 2pm to 3pm
Join Dr Iqbal Adjali for this webinar as he introduces participants to Risk Modelling. No previous knowledge is required, participants will leave the webinar with a clear understanding of what risk models are, and when (and how) it can be a powerful approach to use.
Date: 20 April 2016
Venue: Sir Brandon Gough Lecture Theatre, Enterprise Centre, UEA
Join Professor Beth Neil as she gives an inaugural lecture as part of the Social Work Anniversary Lecture series at the University of East Anglia.
26 April 2016, 2pm to 3pm
Join Andrew Lovett for this webinar as he introduces participants to GIS. No previous knowledge is required, this webinar will demonstrate commonly used software and how GIS concepts can be applied.
Date: 4th and 5th July 2016
Venue: Arts 01.02, UEA, Norwich UK
The annual two-day event provides a forum for the exchange of the latest research ideas in Actuarial science and related areas.
Date:25 May 2016
Venue: Fenchurch Street, London
The Innovation Growth Lab (IGL) is hosting its first Global Conference, to showcase the latest trends and cutting-edge ideas in innovation, entrepreneurship and growth policy, as well as examining the power of experimentation to transform this space.
9 March 2016, 2pm to 3pm
Join Peter Barbrook-Johnson for this webinar as he introduces participants to agent based modelling, explaining what it is, and when (and how) it can be a powerful approach to use.
27 January 2016
Venue: Glasgow School of Art
The Centre is pleased to be exhibiting some of our latest research at the ESRC conference, Digging into Data.
4 February 2016
Venue: Victoria Park Plaza
Professor Vania Sena will chair the afternoon stream at this year's High Performance Computing and Big Data Conference with presentations from Transport for London, Professor Mark Birkin, Leeds Institute for Data Analytics and Dr Stefan Graf, University of Cambridge.
16 February 2016, 10.30am to 4.30pm
This one day course is suitable for both academics and non-academics that have knowledge of programming but no experience in Java or Python.
26 January 2016, 10.30am to 4.30pm
This one day training course is suitable for researchers with a basic knowledge of statistical analysis, but who want and need to improve their skills in Stata and R.
11 December 2015
Venue: Stock Brook Country Club
Professor Jerry Coakley is to feature on the Essex Institute of Directors flagship event, the Chairman’s Christmas Breakfast. This year it will take the format of a Question Time debate with leading economists to answer burning questions about the global economy.
3 December 2015
Venue: University of Essex
Join Professor Elena Kulinskaya from UEA as she presents this seminar on meta-analysis.
9 December 2015
Venue: University of East Anglia
For the final event in our series we are delighted to welcome, Bernard Marr the author of Big Data: Using Smart Big Data, Analytics and Metrics to Make Better Decisions and Improve Performance .
24 November 2015
Venue: University of East Anglia
Ain Aaviksoo, Deputy Secretary General for E-services and Innovation, Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs and Will Cavendish, Director General of Innovation, Growth and Technology, UK Department of Health discuss how big data can help the NHS and what the UK can learn from Estonia, a pioneer of e-government.
10 November 2015
Venue: Old Billingsgate
Professor Jerry Coakley will be representing the Centre at Innovate UK and answering your questions about how analytics can enhance your business or project. Find him on the Research Council UK stand where he will be taking part in the Meet the Experts sessions.
20 November 2015
Venue: Local Government Association, Westminster, London
The Business and Local Government (BLG) Data Research Centre jointly with the Local Government Association (LGA) invites you to this seminar where we will bring together researcher and local authority decision makers to understand, explore and define the questions for future research to address local problems.
18 November 2015, 2pm to 3pm
Join Professor Neil Kellard for this webinar as he asks: Does the use of sentiment and search engine data help when using forecasting models in finance? Neil will show that while other data are also useful in helping model and forecast prices, measures of sentiment and investor attention are likely to be more potent particularly in the short-term.
18 November 2015
Venue: University of East Anglia
Continuing our series of public lectures addressing the role of big data in society Professor Helen Margetts considers the impact big data can have on government and policy.
12 November 2015
Venue: University of East Anglia
This is the third in a series of public lectures addressing the role of big data in society. Join Giuseppe Abbamonte as he considers the importance of regulations surrounding big data .
4 November 2015
Venue: University of East Anglia
This is the second in a series of public lectures addressing the role of big data in society. Join Tom Baker from BT Global to find out more about the role data plays in our cities.
21 October 2015
Venue: University of East Anglia
In the first of a series of lectures and panel debates exploring issues around big data join UEA experts from the fields of climate science, public health and privacy law as they examine how big data can and should be used to improve our approach to societal challenges.
13 November 2015
Venue: University of Essex
Join Ric Howe, Data Strategist – Data Platform, BI & Advanced Analytics from Microsoft as he explains what data culture means for us all.
14 October 2015, 2pm to 3pm
Join Dr Marianna Marra as as she takes you through an introduction to linear and non-linear forecasting using Stata. Aimed at analysts with some working knowledge, in this webinar Marianna will work through methodologies concerning linear and non-linear forecasting.
30 September 2015
Venue: Colchester United FC
Making sense of Big Data in the Logistics Industry. Professor Vania Sena speaks at this Invest Essex event where the speakers consider the enormous benefit of big data and data analytics to the logistics industry.
17 September 2015
Venue: Firstsite, Colchester
We are pleased to offer an event to bring together all the researchers involved in the Centre. The day will be an opportunity for you to hear about the data we have and what datasets we are in the process of securing
2-4 September2015
Venue: University of Essex
We are delighted that the 2015 European Conference on Data Analysis is being held at the University of Essex this September. Hear about a wide range of topics covering data science, foundations, methods and applications.
29 to 30 September 2015, 10am to 4pm
This two day training course seeks to improve the data skills of junior analysts in the public sector. Focussing on four key areas, each subject compliments the other areas to give a rounded knowledge of using data analytics in your work.
9 September 2015, 2pm to 3pm
Join Richard Skeggs as he talks about data mining using R. Aimed at analysts with some working knowledge Richard will cover pre-processing, anomaly detection, association rule learning, clustering, classification, regression and summarisation with R.
1 July 2015, 2pm to 3pm
Join Dr Raffaella Calabrese as she introduces you to R. Using real time examples this webinar will give you an understanding of R and its functionalities.
24 - 28 August 2015
Venue: University of Essex
We are delighted that a number of our researchers and staff are participating in this year's big data summer school at the University of Essex.
2 July 2015, 10am to 4pm
Venue: University of East Anglia
What kinds of information sharing for what kinds of places is the third seminar in this ESRC series. Confirmed speakers include: Richard Muir, IPPR; Professor Simon Marvin, Durham University; and Stephen Curtis, Centre of Excellence in Information Sharing.
12-15th July 2015, 9am to 5pm
Venue: University of Strathclyde
EURO2015 is the premier European conference for Operational Research and Management Science (ORMS), organised by the European Association of Operational Research Societies in conjunction with the UK OR Society.
15 - 17 June 2015
Venue: University of Cambridge
This conference hosts over 150 presentations covering a wide range of topics by data scientists from top universities, policy-makers from the UK and EU government bodies, and professionals from the non-profit sector and businesses. We are delighted to be involved in parallel session 6 when Professor Vania Sena will be talking about how local governments can deal with big data.
7 July 2015
Venue: University of Essex
The aim of the day is to bring together analysts and researchers from across the academic, business and local government communities to explore the potential of big data analytics, understand recent developments and identify areas of potential collaboration.
Upcoming events, training and webinars
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