How do Big Data affect your world?

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How do Big Data affect your world?

A free public lecture series at the University of Kent will explore the impact of Big Data on people, decisions, services and the environment.

The ‘Big Data Can’ series is organised by the Business and Local Government Data Research Centre and is open to the general public, private and public sector employees, university staff and students to attend. Experts from the public and private sectors, and the world of academia will explore what Big Data can do to enhance the environment, evolve business, and empower society! Speakers will discuss their views and experiences, and will then join a panel to answer audience queries.

The events take place on the following dates:

Big Data Can… Enhance the EnvironmentNurse providing care in lady's home

Date:  Thursday 28 September

Time: 5.30pm – 7pm

Venue: Darwin Conference Suite, University of Kent, Canterbury Campus

Big Data Can… Evolve Business

Date:  Thursday 19 October

Time: 5.30pm – 7pm

Venue: Dockyard Church, University of Kent, Medway Campus

Big Data Can… Empower Society

Date: Tuesday 7 November

Time: 5.30pm – 7pm

Venue: Darwin Conference Suite, University of Kent, Canterbury Campus

Alexandra Beaumont, Outreach and Engagement Coordinator at the Business and Local Government Data Research Centre, said, “Big Data affects all of us, including the decisions we make, the services we receive and the environment we live in. Throughout this series experts will talk about the exciting developments that data have already delivered and talk about what this could all mean for the future. However we will also address any concerns people may have about the way their data are used.”

Book now for these free events.

Published on 25 September 2017

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